Evaluation - Webquest

You will be evaluated on different items according to the criteria in this rubric.
  • Fill in your self-assessment.
  • Have your final Editorial meeting: team assessment.
  • Your teacher will use this evaluation.


Needs improvement
Collaborative work skills and role playing
You work separately most of the time and focus more on your individual work than on the team's work.
You get tasks done after the deadline.
You basically center on your individual knowledge to do the task.
You all participate in the final product, but you require more team responsibility.
You normally respect the deadline.
You try to share your knowledge and listen to the other people.
You all participate equally and work together effectively to do your task individually and within the team.
You respect the deadline.
You share knowledge and ideas and listen to the other people.
You all participate equally and work together effectively to do your task within the team.
You respect the deadline.
You share knowledge and ideas and listen to the other people. You try to be sure that everyone understands everything and encourage each other to participate.
ICT and use of web resources
Basic use of ICT and the web resources provided. You basically copy and paste the information.
You can edit basic audio files using Audacity and create a basic blog which centers only on some of the activities.
You use ICT and the web resources provided in a responsible way and try to transform the information.
You can edit audio files using Audacity and can create a satisfactory blog.
You use ICT and the web resources provided in a responsible way. You select the information and transform it.
You can edit audio files using Audacity and create a good team blog.
You use ICT and web resources provided in a responsible way. You select the information and transform it accurately.
You can edit audio files using Audacity and create an appealing team blog. Extra links are provided within the blog.
Oral production
You sometimes use English.
You speak too fast or slow using a limited number of words and phrases. Pronunciationstress and intonation generally hinder communication.
Basic news bulletin. Music and sound effects need improvement to help understanding of the content.

You use English most of the time.
You speak at a reasonable speed using a limited number of words and phrases. Pronunciationstress and intonation sometimes hinder communication.
Satisfactory news bulletin with music and sound effects which add to audience understanding of the content.
You use English all the time.
You speak at a reasonable speed and pay attention to pronunciationstress and intonation. Communication is easy.

Creative news bulletin with music and sound effects which add to audience understanding of the content.
You use English all the time.
You speak at the right speed and pay attention to pronunciationstress and intonation. Communication is easy and there's no need for repetition.
Original and creative news bulletin with music and sound effects which add to audience understanding of the content. It sounds like a real radio bulletin.
You can use some basic language structures to create your script but mostly learned by heart or copied.
Spelling and punctuation make your reading difficult and this affects comprehension. You basically use words copied from the source.
You can use some basic language structures to create your script. Satisfactory communication.
Spelling and punctuation make your reading easy.
You use minimal variety of vocabulary but enough to give the message.
You can use some basic language structures to create your script. Fluent communication.
Spelling and punctuation make your reading easy.
Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary. Use of simple words which facilitate comprehension. Your message is clear.
Your use of basic language structures makes comprehension easy and straightforward.
Clear Spelling and punctuation which make your reading easy.
Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary. Use of simple varied words which facilitate comprehension. Your message is clear and concise.
Content, structure and sources
1 script adequately answers the 5 W's.
You need more work on the 3 C's of journalism writing.
Ideas are all mixed up within the paragraph.
Your scripts are too longer too short.
You use the sources provided but need to transform the information and apply it to your scripts. You need more reflection on your choices.
2 scripts adequately answer the 5 W's.
You try to respect the 3 C's of journalism writing.
Paragraph structure is clear enough. Ideas are reasonably organized.
Your scripts are about 30 seconds long.
You use the sources provided responsibly and try to transform the information and apply it to your scripts.
All scripts adequately answer the 5 W's.
You try to respect the 3 C's of journalism writing.
Good paragraph structure. Ideas are well organized.
Your scripts are about 30 seconds long.
You use the sources provided responsibly and try to transform the information and apply it to your scripts. You've been critical with the content.
All scripts adequately answer the 5 W's.
You try to respect the 3 C's of journalism writing.
Good and clearly structured paragraphIdeas flow as you read.
Your scripts are about 30 seconds long.
You use the sources provided responsibly, try to find other reliable options and transform the information and apply it to your scripts. You've been critical with the content.
Assessment and reflection
You fill out most of the assessment grids but need to be more critical and responsible.
You see your mistakes only as errors. You need more reflection on your work.
You fill out most of the assessment grids responsibly.
You accept your mistakes as part of the learning process and think about your work.
You fill out the assessment grids and try to be critical and responsible.
You accept your mistakes as part of the learning process and think about your work.
You fill out the assessment grids and try to be critical and responsible.
You accept your mistakes as part of the learning process and think about your work. You constantly try to find new strategies to improve learning.

